This is an image of the church in University of Santo Tomas. The church was built in the Spanish Period.This picture was taken by Mhel Jhustine G. Tuguigui.

Educational System

The Educational System’s primary aim is to made Filipinos obedient and God-fearing Christians. Religion was a common subject in all levels. The first schools established in the country were the parochial schools. They were under the supervision of the missionaries. They also established colleges for boys and girls. Education then was not co-educational so girls were separated from boys. For the entire period of Spanish colonization, education was under the Catholic Church. 

The first college for boys was the “College of Manila” which was renamed “College of San Ignacio” and became a university in 1621. The first college for girls was called the “Colegio de Santa Potenciana”.    It was merged with another school forming “College of Santa Isabel”. The oldest existing University at present is the University of Santo Tomas. It was founded in 1611 by Fr. Miguel de Benavidez, a Dominican priest.